Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'M BACK! Seriously.

Okay, okay. So I am not the best blogger in the world. My last post was in June 2009. Oops! My how the time flies. Since I last posted Emme was only four months old. She has changed a bit since then, and we have loved every minute of it. A quick sum up:
Emme sat up by herself at 5 month;
Crawled at six months (quickly);
Loved learning to eat baby food, with a very quick transition to "real people" food. That girl can eat. She loves pretty much everything we give her, and has recently developed a fondness for M&Ms. Can you blame her? I digress.
Emme was standing and cruising at 10 months and was walking by her first birthday.

Her first word was "dada", followed quickly by "mama" and "sopie" (her schnauzer).
Since her first brithday it seems she learns something new everyday, and now we are creeping up on her 2nd birthday. Unbelievable.

She entertains us with her "I Luuuuuuuuuv You" and silly reflections in her voice when we ask her to say something. Today I told her it was snowing and took her to the window to take a look. She quickly stated "Bubbles"! I said "no, Emme, that is snow". She did not agree with me and again "BUBBLES!" Okay, bubbles they are. We have so much fun with her and watching her master her world around her. Emme counts to ten, and it is much easier to get her to count when I am handing her candy. She also loves her classmates, especially her good friend, Henry. Henry's mom told me today that yesterday she asked Henry what the best part of his day was, and he responded "EMME!". I love it. Good buddies.

As I was reading my last post about Little Mac, I mentioned that I hope Emme loves horses one day. That day has come. She loves "horseies" and we have had the opportunity to introduce her to more horses recently. The Fort Worth Stock Show Parade and Stock Show were so much fun this year. Ruben is a member of the Stock Show Syndicate, which is a group of businessmen who raise money for the Livestock Sale. The Syndicate rides in the parade and the women and children ride in a wagon down the streets of Fort Worth. Emme loved every minute of it! I was a little jealous not the be on a horse, but I'll ride in the wagon for Emme. She also got to ride with me on Smoke (a good friend's awesome palomino), and now when she sees a palomino horse, she calls them all Smoke.

It is my goal to be better about blogging. Obviously life happens and it seems like there is not an extra minute to do one more thing, but I am going to give it another go. 2010 was a transition year. I changed jobs 3 times, after having worked for the same firm for almost 3 years. Ruben is busier with work, and Emme keeps up hopping, but things have settled down and we are as happy as can be. Until next time.

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